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Paul B. Henry Lecture

The annual Paul B. Henry Lecture brings a prominent Christian political practitioner to app to speak about the interplay of religion and politics. The event is intended to inspire the college and the community to actively seek to integrate a Christian worldview with practical politics and public life. Over the past eighteen years, the lecture has featured individuals from both political parties, speakers from liberal and conservative viewpoints, scholars who have examined current political issues and questions, and prominent leaders of non-profit organizations actively working in the public policy arena.

Dr. Michelle Kirtley

Friday, April 5, 2024

About our speaker

Dr. Michelle Kirtley is the Consultant on Bioethics and Public Policy at The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity. Prior to joining CBHD, Michelle worked for six years on Capitol Hill for Congressman Dave Weldon, MD (R-FL) and Congressman John Fleming, MD (R-LA), serving as a science and health policy advisor.

Michelle completed her doctorate in cell biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2004) and her undergraduate degree in molecular biology from Princeton University (1996). She lives in Chapel Hill, NC, where she also serves on the Board of Samaritan Health Center, a private, Christian health clinic for low-income and uninsured residents of the Research Triangle in North Carolina. She is a former Trustee of the Center for Public Justice and also serves as a CPJ fellow.

Dr. Richard Mouw

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The 24th annual Paul B. Henry Lecture featured Dr. Richard Mouw speaking on "The Christian Use of Political Power." Mouw noted that Paul Henry wrote numerous years ago that when things go wrong in politics, it isn't just the fault of those who have substituted faith in politics for faith in God. Some of the blame also rests on the shoulders of Christians who "have denied the full legitimacy of politics." According to Mouw, we rightly honor God's purposes for political life when we make loving use of coercive power to aim at justice, while also learning significant lessons—unique to political engagement—about our shared humanity.

Nicholas Wolterstorff - Fidelity in Politics

April 7, 2022

The 23rd Paul B. Henry Lecture featured Dr. Nicholas Wolterstorff considered Christian political activity in the tradition of Reformed Protestantism. He explored the distinctive version of the Reformed Protestant tradition of Christian political thought and action developed by twentieth century Dutch theologian and activist Abraham Kuyper. Kuyper's thought was very influential on the political thought and action of Paul Henry, as it has been on a large number of other theorists and activists. Wolterstorff identified high points of this tradition as it has developed in the United States.

Faith, Democracy, and the Media

April 26, 2019

Featuring several prominent national journalists of religion and politics, Michael McCurry (Press Secretary in the Clinton administration) led a roundtable conversation on faith, democracy, and the media. Elizabeth Dias (New York Times), Emma Green (The Atlantic), Amy Sullivan (author of The Party Faithful), and Ken Woodward (former Newsweek reporter and author of Getting Religion) participated in the discussion.

Melissa Rogers - The 'Conscience of the State': Religion's Role as an Independent Check on Government

February 21, 2018

Melissa Rogers is a senior fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution, and a distinguished church-state lawyer who served as a special assistant to President Obama and led the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships from 2013-2017 as well as chairing the inaugural Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. In her lecture, Rogers asserted that to serve as the conscience of the state, religion must be meaningfully independent of government and thus able to preserveautonomy and religion's ability to call the state to "the better angels of our nature."


Ben Sasse - Before the End of Time: Religion and Politics in this Messy, Broken Age

April 28, 2017

Senator Ben Sasse (Republican Senator from Nebraska), considered our role as Christians and as citizens in the face of our currently disoriented time, with massive policy changes, huge political disruptions, daunting Constitutional questions and monumental economic changes.


Ross Douthat - The Future of American Christianity: The Christian Crisis of the 20th Century and its Implications for the 21st

April 30, 2015

Ross Douthat, Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times, talked about current issues facing Christians and their responses as they remain true to their faith. Watch an interview conducted by Henry Institute Director Kevin den Dulk.


Joshua DuBois - Approaching the Ledge: Why We Must Risk our Faith in Order to Save It

April 28, 2014

Joshua DuBois, former Executive Director of the White House Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and spiritual advisor to President Obama challenged the audience to examine what it means to act and walk in a life of faith. Watch an interview with DuBois, conducted by Henry Institute Director Kevin R. den Dulk.


Corwin Smidt - What Does the Lord Require? The Grounds for Christian Civility in Politics

April 26, 2013

Corwin Smidt, former Director of the Paul B. Henry Institute called on Christians to engage in public and political life with civility and respect for others.


Beth Bandstra Decker - Paul Henry: Reflections on His Life and Service

March 28, 2012

Beth Bandstra Decker, former Campaign Manager and Special Assistant to Congressman Paul Henry, and Director of the World View Series at Trinity Christian College, related her interaction and work with Paul Henry as his campaign manager and special assistant.

David Campbell - American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us

April 29, 2011

David Campbell, Founding Director of the Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy reviewed his findings regarding religious devotion, religious diversity and religious tolerance in America. His findings are included in American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us, published with Robert Putnam.

Michael Gerson - Tensions at the Crossroads of Religion and Politics

March 18, 2010

Michael Gerson, former Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and former Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential Speech Writing discussed human rights, and asserted that activism by people of faith is critical to the welfare of millions of people in the world.


Michael Cromartie - No Final Victories, No Final Defeats: Doing Our Duty While Living in Exile

April 14, 2009

Michael Cromartie, former Chair and Vice Chair of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom discussed his work on the Commission and called on Christians to work toward the Kingdom of God through activities that further justice and help to redeem God’s creation.


Dean Koldenhoven - Religious Tolerance: Love your Neighbor

March 31, 2008

Dean Koldenhoven, former mayor of Palos Heights, Illinois and 2002 Recipient of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award recounted the controversy over the sale of a local church to Muslims in Palos Heights, Illinois during his time as mayor and his strong feelings about the meaning of religious freedom in America.


Michael McConnell - Public Virtue, Republican Government, and the Separation of Church and State

October 12, 2006

Judge Michael McConnell, Federal Appellate Judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit offered a historical perspective on the relationship between religion and liberal democracy.


Dr. John DiIulio - Forging a Faithful Consensus: The Future of Public-Private Partnerships Involving Community-Serving Religious Organizations

October 25, 2005

Dr. John DiIulio, former Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives discussed the emergence of faith-based initiatives in government and the private sector.

Dr. Allen Hertzke - Freeing God's Children: The Unlikely Alliance for Global Human Rights

November 11, 2004

Dr. Allen Hertzke, Director of Religious Studies and Professor of Political Science at the University of Oklahoma described how the American faith-based movement, through various initiatives, has affected the agenda of American foreign policy.


Dr. Robert Edgar - The State of the World as Seen Though the Eyes of the Church

April 28, 2004

Dr. Robert Edgar, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches and six-term U.S. House of Representatives Democrat from Pennsylvania, encouraged Christians to blend faith and political activities, working together to improve the world.


Tim Goeglein - Real Challenges: Faith in the Public Arena

April 28, 2003

Tim Goeglein, Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison spoke about how a person of faith maintains his or her conviction in the marketplace of ideas without compromising those beliefs.

Dr. Stephen V. Monsma - Myths, Lies, and Soundbites: Reactions to President Bush's Faith-Based Initiative

April 29, 2002

Dr. Stephen V. Monsma of Pepperdine University described President Bush’s faith-based initiative, myths surrounding it, and a view of the initiative from a pluralistic perspective.

Paul Hillegonds - Faith in Politics

April 30, 2001

The Honorable Paul Hillegonds, former Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives and President of Detroit Renaissance, was a close personal friend of Paul Henry. His lecture encouraged thoughtful lay involvement in politics and defined a faithful approach to politics, which was exemplified by Henry’s approach.


John Lewis - Struggling Toward the 'Beloved Community'

April 17, 2000

U.S. Representative John Lewis of Georgia, noted civil rights leader and member of Congress, recounted highlights of his struggle for civil rights and his vision for a national and international “beloved community.”

Dan Coats - Compassionate Conservatism: Oxymoron or Opportunity

April 19, 1999

Former U.S. Senator Dan Coats of Indiana considered the relationship between government and civil society, asserting that the vitality of the American republic is tied to the vibrancy of a multiplicity of institutions that make up a complex civil society.

Paul Simon - Christianity and Politics: A Personal Reflection

April 27, 1998

Former U.S. Senator from Illinois Paul Simon offered a personal and honest message rooted in a fundamental optimism about the positive contribution that the interplay between Christianity and political can make in public life.

Mark O. Hatfield - Paul B. Henry Institute Inaugural Address

April 14, 1997

Senator Mark O. Hatfield from Oregon gave the inaugural address for the Paul B. Henry Institute, charging the Institute with carrying on the vision and work of Paul Henry.